
لـ iPhone Sea Level Rise

  • المجاني

  • باللغة عربي
  • V 3.0.5
  • 4.5

  • حالة الأمان

تقييم Softonic

Sea Level Rise App: Mapping Flooding Impacts

Sea Level Rise app enables users to map flooding in their community to document sea level rise and flooding impacts effectively. Developed by Wetlands Watch, this app originated in Hampton Roads, Virginia, leveraging the mapping efforts of numerous volunteers during the annual "Catch the King Tide" events. By fostering a better-informed and connected community, the app aids in staying ahead of sea level rise challenges.

Users can access user-submitted data on global phenomena, engage as volunteers to capture essential street-level data, and contribute to understanding and resolving associated challenges. With this app, users can participate in crowd-sourcing events, identify and add "Trouble" spots affected by high water, share photos illustrating community conditions, and utilize specific collaboration spaces to manage volunteers and schedule mapping events.

البرامج المتاحة بلغات أخرى

لـ iPhone Sea Level Rise

  • المجاني

  • باللغة عربي
  • V 3.0.5
  • 4.5

  • حالة الأمان

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